Kids Orthodontics

Kids OrthodonticsReston, VA

Children with crooked teeth or misaligned jaws can benefit from kids orthodontics. Orthodontic treatment can help children achieve a healthier bite and a straighter smile. Straighter teeth look and function better, so your child can smile with confidence.

Precision Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry provides kids orthodontics treatment in Reston and the surrounding area. We can handle all of your child’s orthodontic and dental needs. Call us today at 703-391-8800 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.

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What Kids Orthodontics Can Treat

Kids orthodontics can prevent and correct bite irregularities resulting from genetic factors, premature loss of primary teeth, and habits including thumb sucking and excessive pacifier use. This treatment not only improves the appearance of teeth but also contributes to improved function. Children that receive orthodontic treatment can improve their biting, chewing, and speaking abilities.

Orthodontic treatment for children can also improve their oral health. When the teeth and jaw are misaligned, it can result in strained jaw muscles, joint problems, and even severe headaches. Once the teeth and jaw are properly aligned, it will distribute biting pressure more evenly and reduce strain. Straight teeth are also easier to clean, lowering the risk of cavities and gum disease in children.

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The Timing Of Kids Orthodontics

Timing is crucial when it comes to orthodontics for kids. Every child is unique, so there is no single best age for orthodontic treatment. However, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic check-up no later than seven years of age. At this age, children will have enough permanent teeth to allow our team to evaluate the developing teeth and jaws properly.

This check-up will determine whether a patient requires early orthodontic intervention or whether treatment can occur in the future. Although there is no best age for orthodontic treatment, it is generally best done during childhood before the bones have hardened completely. Our team will help parents decide on the optimal time for their child’s treatment.

Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment for Kids

The right orthodontic treatment will vary for each child and their individual needs. We offer various orthodontic treatment options depending on patient preference, age, and alignment issues. A full examination is a crucial part of choosing the right orthodontic option for a child.

The examination will involve a thorough assessment of the patient’s mouth, jaws, teeth, and face. We may also use plaster models or X-rays to aid in the comprehensive evaluation. Our orthodontic team will use this information to create a customized treatment plan to produce the best results for each child.

Kids Orthodontics Options

We offer a range of orthodontic options to help patients reach their smile goals. We will consider each child’s orthodontic needs and preferences when helping them choose a treatment. Our available orthodontic treatments include:

  • Ceramic braces: This less-visible alternative to conventional metal braces straightens teeth with tooth-colored ceramic brackets and wires.
  • Conventional braces: These standard metal braces utilize brackets, archwires, and rubber bands to straighten teeth and align jaws.
  • Invisalign® This orthodontic system requires patients to wear a series of clear, removable aligner trays over teeth to pressure them into alignment gently.
  • Self-ligating braces: These braces straighten teeth without rubber bands through the use of specialized brackets that hold the archwire directly.

Maintenance During Orthodontic Treatment

Once active orthodontic treatment begins, parents must ensure that their kids care for their appliances and maintain good oral hygiene. Orthodontic appliances can trap debris and plaque, so a proper dental routine is necessary to prevent tooth decay. Kids must brush their teeth after every meal and make sure to floss between their teeth and braces every day. Invisalign wearers should also clean their trays and keep them in a protective case when not in use.

Parents should also prevent their kids from eating sticky, chewy, and hard foods that can warp or break their braces or aligners. We also recommend avoiding sugary foods and drinks that can result in more plaque and cavities. Kids will also need to have regular check-ups throughout their treatment so that our team can check their progression and make any necessary adjustments to their appliances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are kids orthodontics safe?

Kids orthodontics are generally safe treatments that will help improve kids’ oral health. However, parents should help their children take the right precautions to avoid soft tissue injuries or dental issues. Orthodontic appliances can make cleaning teeth more difficult, resulting in decay, gum disease, or permanent stains without removal. Taking proper care and precautions can reduce such risks.

How long does orthodontic treatment take?

The length of orthodontic treatment will differ for each child since everyone responds to treatment differently. The type of orthodontic treatment chosen and the orthodontic problem will have the greatest impact on treatment length. Simple cases may take six months to resolve, while more complex orthodontic issues may take up to a few years to correct.

How do kids orthodontics straighten teeth?

Kids orthodontics straighten teeth by exerting constant pressure on teeth to push them into the desired position. The pressure presses the tooth root against the alveolar bone, dissolving the bone next to the root. This process allows the tooth to move into proper alignment.

What is the process of applying braces?

Before braces are applied, we must clean and dry off the patient’s teeth. After, we will attach the brackets to each tooth using a small amount of glue and a special curing light. Then, we will put metal bands around the back molars to anchor the braces before attaching the archwire.

Are kids orthodontics painful?

The process of receiving an orthodontic appliance is not painful. However, patients may feel some discomfort after receiving adjustments to their appliances. This feeling is normal and temporary as patients adjust to the feeling of their teeth moving into alignment.

Get the Care Your Family Deserves

By visiting us as soon as possible, our team can help get you the professional treatment you need. Instead of waiting around and allowing the symptoms to get worse, we can provide you with treatment options.

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Call Us Today

Kids orthodontics can help your child achieve a straighter and healthier smile. Our team at Precision Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry can develop the right treatment plan for your child’s orthodontic needs. Call us today at 703-391-8800 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.

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About our business, license, and website security

  • Precision Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry was established in 2017.
  • We accept the following payment methods: American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa
  • We serve patients from the following counties: Fairfax County and Loudoun County
  • We serve patients from the following cities: Reston, Herndon, Sterling, Ashburn, Chantilly, Great Falls, Oakton, Vienna, Centreville and Tysons Corner
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